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Jean Marmoreo speaks authoritatively -- particularly on issues of health, fitness, living life to the fullest – and dying well.

Here she is speaking about her new book, The Last Doctor, co-authored with Johanna Schneller, with lessons in living from the front lines of medical-assistance-in-dying.

With Piya Chattopadhyay on CBC Sunday Magazine.

With Steve Paikin on The Agenda

With Matt Galloway on CBC’s The Current (starts at 12:29)

With Tony Chapman on the Chatter That Matterpodcast.

With Melissa Grelo, Cynthia Loyst, Lainey Lui and correspondent Jess Allen, on THE SOCIAL

On video at the launch of The Last Doctor.

Here are some sample topics for your consideration. If they're not what you're looking for, by all means connect with her about what your group would value hearing most.

What are you doing in the second half of your life? Being over 50 doesn’t have to feel like a waiting room; it can be a supermarket. The trick is to do some very simple things to give yourself the best chance to stay healthy, functional and happy in your next 30 years.

You can have both: a good life and a good death. Our attitudes to life and death have changed dramatically: we all want to live long and happy lives, but when it’s time to go, we want the best for ourselves and our families as well.  Dr. Jean discusses what to do now to give yourself the best chance at a longer, happier life -- and a good end.

How to be highly active in your 60s and beyond. They say you slow down when you get old. Dr. Jean Marmoreo says you get old when you slow down – and she shows the life-enhancing benefits of exercise, adventure and most of all, connecting widely and deeply with your world.

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© 2023 Dr. Jean Marmoreo  - MAiD doctor, writer, athlete, advocate and adventurer.
Toronto, ON, Canada

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